3 day

3 Days Training Workshop

The workshop runs, on 3 full days with 2 SEPA master trainers

After the workshop we will send you a personal email with PDF files:
– with your results, and with general evaluation  
– with summarizing the theoretical part of the workshop 
– with some tips and advices for future trainings and nutritions

 The Training Workshop includes:

How is your fitness level? 
What needed to improve?


Physical test – 5 different physical test 
The physical test, answer to these questions:
1.    – personal qualities, and fitness level
2.    – strength and endurance levels
3.    – cardio – vasc. system condition VO2Max
4.    – balance and focus stability
5.    – the deficiencies and what we need to improve on individual level for a better  performance.

Here you can see some famous athletes who have completed this test:

        2015. Auckland – Connor, Zane, Sean, Bruno, Daniel,

       (the ABS test is a bit different now)

Physiological test: one by one with Inner Balance Scan based on HRV 

Flat water paddle session 
– The trainers examine the individual paddle technique on a long distance paddle session and then analyze. 
– Short meridian stretching – teaching & practice at the end of the day.

2. DAY
SEPA Paddle Technique © workshop
– be faster & a stronger paddler –

How to strengthen your body for a better, injure free paddle technique!

Motion correction, based on the anatomical, high level orthopedic knowledge,  and the physiological joint movements.
– motion correction on land ( running, core exercises, jumping, squats ….)

Professionals warm up with kinesiology exercises + land training + short meridian stretching.

Lunch Time: 
During the lunch break, we will talk about different nutrition, healthy and sport and race nutrition.

How to use your body to become a faster paddler.
Motion correction, aimed to balance  the load of the different parts of your body.
Stroke technique with arm and body movement: – rotating vs non-rotating SUP paddle technique
Teaching the non-rotating paddle technique, as Bruno Hasulyo does it.
Professionals warm up with kinesiology exercises + water training + long meridian stretching 

Why is this important exceedingly?
You can read about it here:

3. Day
Smart training – Smart regeneration

– we will give you answers why, how and when need to train for improving your skills and abilities

– how you can avoid  back pain

– Special combinations training

This is a pretty killer training type with continued movement on land and on water.
During this training, we combine the land cardio-strength training with water endurance – technical training. 
Everybody is able to train together, on her/his individual level.
During the training, we control the motion of participants and
 we do a correction one by one.   

Lunch Time:
– conversation and teaching about pulse rate measurement
– how you can define individual pulse target zones ( in classical and professional mode)
– why the target zone is important for you
– teaching: how to train, in your pulse target areas
– how to use your Garmin watch … ect smartly?
– how can you  interpret your measured results?


– preventative physio-gymnastic exercises teaching and practice against lower back, spine, back and knee pain.
– end of the workshop with long meridian stretching

Price, of the 3 days workshop: 315-, €/ person / 3 full days

We would be very happy if the group were at least 3 people, but the maximum is 21 people, in our place.

We can go to the group place, in case of an appropriate number of participants.

We will keep extra attention during these 3 days about:

Motion correction, based on the anatomical, high level orthopedic knowledge,  and the physiological joint movements.

Motion correction on land & on water ( standing on the board, knee, legs position, back and shoulder movement while paddling …. )

Teaching professionals warm up, with kinesiology exercises.

Teaching, conversation, why is important to stretch, what are the muscles fascia and meridians.

Teaching and practice together the special SEPA meridian stretching with familiar yoga positions.

After these 3 days you will be able to do a new injury free paddle technique by yourself + special warm up + meridian stretching.

For a team prize offer, please, contact me. Thanks!
Let’s discuss the details.